"Great things never come from comfort zone"           "Wealthy people invest first and spend what’s left and broke people spend first and invest what’s left"           "Investment is an asset or item that is purchased with the hope that it will generate income or appreciate in the future"           "The secret to getting ahead is getting started.................Start using your Savings to Earn Money"           "The best gift, and investment, you can give your child is your time"           "Investing in your child’s education is never a wasted effort"           "Making money and handling money are both different things"



Accounting entries under GST


GST Act was introduced in July 2017, after subsumed Indirect taxes of Central Government (i.e. Central Excise Duty, Custom duty, Additional Excise Duty Special Additional Duty, Central Sales Tax (CST), Service Tax or Surcharge & Cess etc.) or State Government (i.e. VAT, Entry Tax, Purchase Tax, Luxury Tax, Surcharge & Cess etc.).


Under GST regime, Accounting under pre and post is similar, like Input credit tax should be debited and outward tax liability should be credited. GST liabilities can be discharged as per rules given below, either by utilization of Input credit credits and the balance (if any payable) has to be paid by making payment through Cash or Bank Account.

  1.   CGST Input Credit, First to utilize with Outward CGST and then Outward IGST
  2.   SGST Input Credit, First to utilize with Outward SGST and then Outward IGST
  3.   IGST Input Credit, First to utilize Outward IGST, then Outward CGST and then Outward SGST
Accounting entries under GST, for following transactions are as under-
  1.   Receipt of goods or services
  2.   Supply of goods or services
  3.   Payment of GST
1. Receipt/Purchase of goods or services

After GST, There are 3 types of Ledger/accounts should be created in spite of VAT Receivable in their books of accounts and pass an accounting entry as shown below upon the nature of transaction whether it is Intra State or Inter State. We have to pass the following entries in our books of accounts are as under-

(i)   CGST Input credit

(ii)   SGST/UTGST Input credit

(iii)   IGST Input credit


Accounting Entry

Intra-state transaction

Purchase/Service expenditure A/c Dr.

CGST Input credit A/c Dr.

SGST Input credit A/c Dr.

To Creditors A/c  

Inter-state transaction

Purchases/Service expenditure A/c Dr.

IGST Input credit A/c Dr.

To Creditors A/c  


2. Supply of goods or services

After GST, There are 3 types of Ledger/accounts should be created in spite of VAT Payable/CST Payable in their books of accounts and pass an accounting entry as shown below upon the nature of transaction whether it is Intra State or Inter State. We have to pass the following entries in our books of accounts are as under-

(i)   CGST Outward

(ii)  SGST/UTGST Outward

(iii)   IGST Outward

(A) When time of supply is the date of invoice-


Accounting Entry

Intra-state transaction

Debtors A/c Dr.

To Sales/Service income A/c      

To CGST Outward A/c   

To SGST Outward A/c

Inter-state transaction

Debtors A/c Dr.

To Sales/Service income A/c  

To IGST Outward A/c  


(B) When time of supply is the date of payment

After GST, if a taxable person (supplier) receives payment (partly or fully) for supply of goods or services in advance, GST is levied on that amount. In such case, the payment is considered as inclusive of GST. We have to pass the following entries in our books of accounts are as under-

There are 3 types of Ledger/accounts should be created in their books of accounts-

(a)  CGST Outward (Advance) A/c

(b)   SGST Outward (Advance) A/c

(c)   IGST Outward (Advance) A/c


Accounting Entry

Intra-state transaction-
At the time of receipt of advance payment

Cash/Bank A/c Dr.    

To Party's A/c       

To CGST Outward (Advance) A/c      

To SGST Outward (Advance) A/c    


At the time of issue of invoice

-When invoice has issued in succeeding months of advance received

Party's A/c Dr.    

To Sales/Service income A/c       

To CGST Outward A/c [Total liability- Already paid on Advance]  

To SGST Outward A/c [Total liability- Already paid on Advance]  

At the time of issue of invoice

- When invoice has issued in same month in which advance received      

Party's A/c Dr.   

CGST Outward (Advance) A/c Dr.

SGST Outward (Advance) A/c Dr.

To Sales/Service income A/c  

To CGST Outward A/c  

To SGST Outward A/c

Inter-state transaction-

At the time of receipt of advance payment

Cash/Bank A/c Dr.    

To Party's A/c       

To IGST Outward (Advance) A/c

At the time of issue of invoice

-When invoice has issued in succeeding months of advance received

Party's A/c Dr.    

To Sales/Service income A/c       

To IGST Outward A/c [Total liability- Already paid on Advance]  

At the time of issue of invoice

- When invoice has issued in same month in which advance received      

Party's A/c Dr.   

IGST Outward (Advance) A/c Dr.

To Sales/Service income A/c  

To IGST Outward A/c  



(C) When time of supply is the date of provision of service (applicable only in case of supply of services)

After GST, in case of supply of service, time of supply may be determined as the date on which service is completed. In such case, GST liability arises as on the date of completion. We have to pass the following entries in our books of accounts are as under-


Accounting Entry

Intra-state supply

At the time of provision of service

Party's A/c Dr. 

To CGST Outward A/c     

To SGST Outward A/c   

At the time of issue of invoice

Party's A/c Dr.    

To Service income A/c  

Inter-state supply

At the time of provision of service

Party's A/c Dr.    

To IGST Outward A/c  

At the time of issue of invoice

Party's A/c Dr.

To Service income A/c  


3. Payment of GST liabilities can be discharged as per rules given below, either by utilization of Input credit credits and the balance (if any payable) has to be paid by making payment through Cash or Bank Account.

After GST, Input credit is allowed on both Intra-state purchase and Interstate purchase while before GST, Input credit was available only on Intra state purchases. We have to pass the following entries in our books of accounts are as under-


Accounting Entry

For payment of CGST Outward (CGST Outward, first to utilize with Input credit CGST, then Input credit IGST and then balance (if any) to be paid through Cash or Bank Account)

Outward CGST A/c Dr. 

To Input credit CGST A/c  

To Input credit IGST A/c  

To Cash/Bank A/c

For payment of SGST Outward (SGST Outward, first to utilize with Input credit SGST, then Input credit IGST and then balance (if any) to be paid through Cash or Bank Account)

Outward SGST A/c Dr.

To Input credit SGST A/c    

To Input credit IGST A/c

To Cash/Bank A/c

For payment of IGST Outward (IGST Outward, first to utilize with Input credit IGST, then Input credit SGST and then CGST and the balance (if any) to be paid through Cash or Bank Account)

Outward IGST A/c Dr.

To Input credit IGST A/c

To Input credit SGST A/c   

To Input credit CGST A/c

To Cash/Bank A/c



Sridhar Das on 1/24/2019 11:26:29 AM says:

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