"Great things never come from comfort zone"           "Wealthy people invest first and spend what’s left and broke people spend first and invest what’s left"           "Investment is an asset or item that is purchased with the hope that it will generate income or appreciate in the future"           "The secret to getting ahead is getting started.................Start using your Savings to Earn Money"           "The best gift, and investment, you can give your child is your time"           "Investing in your child’s education is never a wasted effort"           "Making money and handling money are both different things"



Filing NIL Form CMP-08 through SMS on GST Portal

  • A Composition taxpayer may now file NIL statement in Form GST CMP-08 for a quarter, through an SMS, apart from filing it through online mode, on GST Portal, if there is no-
    • outward supplies;
    • liability due to reverse charge (including import of services); and
    • other tax liability for the quarter, for which the statement is being filed.
  • To file NIL Form GST CMP-08 through SMS, the taxpayer must fulfil following conditions:
    • Taxpayer must be registered as composition taxable person (by filing Form GST REG-01) or the taxpayer might have opted for composition levy by filing Form GST CMP-02.
    • Taxpayer must have filed all the applicable statements in Form GST CMP-08 for the previous quarters.
    • Authorized signatory and his phone number must be registered on the GST Portal.
    • There must not be any data in save stage, in online version of Form GST CMP-08, on the GST Portal.
  • NIL Form CMP-08 for a tax period must be filed by the taxpayer, Steps to File Nil Form GST CMP-08 through SMS are as below:
    • Send SMS to 14409 number to file Nil Form CMP-08 i.e. NIL<space>Return Type<space>GSTIN<space>Return Period (Example i.e. NIL C8 02ALSPB02DZ6 092020).
    • Send SMS again on the same number 14409 with Verification Code received to confirm filing of Nil Form CMP-08 i.e. CNF<space>Return Type<space>Verification Code (if code is 123465), (Example i.e. CNF C8 123465)
    • After successful validation of “Verification Code", GST Portal will send back ARN to same mobile number and on registered e-mail ID of the taxpayer to intimate successful Nil filing of Form GST CMP-08.
  • All the authorized representatives for a particular GSTIN, with unique mobile number can file NIL Form GST CMP-08 through SMS.
  • The due date for filing of Form GST CMP-08 is 18th of the month following the quarter.
See the related post : Filing NIL Form GSTR-1 through SMS


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