"Great things never come from comfort zone"           "Wealthy people invest first and spend what’s left and broke people spend first and invest what’s left"           "Investment is an asset or item that is purchased with the hope that it will generate income or appreciate in the future"           "The secret to getting ahead is getting started.................Start using your Savings to Earn Money"           "The best gift, and investment, you can give your child is your time"           "Investing in your child’s education is never a wasted effort"           "Making money and handling money are both different things"



Expenses disallowed under section 40A (3) made in Cash and their Exceptions

Expenses disallowed under section 40A (3) made in Cash and their Exceptions means any expenditure incurred in respect of which payment is made in a sum of exceeding Rs. 10,000 during a day otherwise than by way of account payee cheque drawn on a bank or bank draft or through use of electronic clearing system, shall not be allowed as deduction. Section 40A (3) (b) provides for deeming a payment as profit & gains of a business or profession if the expenditure is incurred in a particular year but the payment is made in any subsequent year in a sum exceeding of Rs. 10,000 otherwise than by way of account payee cheque drawn on a bank or bank draft or through use of electronic clearing system. Exception-
  • Any payment made for plying, hiring or leasing of goods carriage to the extent of Rs. 35,000/- in a day.
  • Expenses of Capital nature are not covered under this section. :

Example 1-

Mr. A has made two cash purchases from Mr. X of Rs. 8,000 or 5,000 in a single day. It will attract the provision of section 40A (3) (a)?

Yes, the above transactions are covered under section 40A (3) (a) and such expenditure will be disallowed.

Example 2-
Mr. A has made purchase from Mr. X of Rs. 22,000 during the year 2017-18 or payment has made of Rs. 9,000 or 7,000 &  or 6,000  in a single day i.e. on 28.05.2018. It will attract the provision of section 40A (3) (b)?

Yes, the above transactions are covered under section 40A (3) (b) and such expenditure will be disallowed because expenditure is incurred in particular year 2017-18 and payment is made on 28.05.2018, exceeding of Rs. 10,000 during  a day.


Example 3-

Mr. A has make payment of Rs. 32,000 on account of freight to the transporter in a single day. It will attract the provision of section 40A (3) (a)?

No, the payment to transporters is not covered under section 40A (3) (a) up to Rs. 35,000/-in a single day. It will not attract the provision of section 40A (3) (a).

Example 4-
Mr. A has purchase a Machinery of Rs. 15,000 in cash. It will attract the provision of section 40A (3) (a)?

No, the payments for purchase of capital goods are not covered under section 40A (3) (a). It will not attract the provision of section 40A (3) (a).

Exceptions under Rule 6DD- No disallowance of expenses exceeding Rs. 10,000 in a day made otherwise than by way of account payee cheque or bank draft. These circumstances and cases as provided under Rule 6DD of the Income Tax Act.


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